It doesn’t matter whether a brand new website has to be created or whether the existing website of a business just needs an update, better decisions regarding the type and content of the site can be made if the 2023 design statistics and trends are taken into account.

If, for instance, a well-established web design company in Sydney, such as ‘Shtudio’,  are being used, the web designers will be aware of most of the trends, but it is always good to also personally check online for the statistics and trends.

In this article, some of the critical and important trends as indicated by statistical research regarding website design will be briefly discussed.

web-design-companySince Covid more people online than ever

Since Covid, the number of online users has escalated tremendously. People also have started to spend more time online with their mobile digital devices rather than on traditional desktop computers.

Some businesses with online marketing strategies didn’t recognise at that stage that it was the beginning of a new trend.  They assumed that internet usage will “normalise” again and didn’t change their web design or create new websites to accommodate the massive growth in online communication and use of mobile devices. As a result, they have lost potential – and sometimes even existing – clients and income.

Nowadays, however, most web designers are taking notice of what statistics tell them about users and their online habits. They now create websites accommodating the new trends as indicated by statistics.

Research after the Covid pandemic has indicated that the habit to spend more time online is something that is not going to go away.  Near the end of the pandemic, 61% of consumers indicated that they planned on spending more time online after the pandemic.

Statistics to keep in mind with web design

Most people (92.6%) use mobile devices to go online

Currently, there are about 4.66 billion people with online access. 92.6% of these people use mobile devices. This is something important to keep in mind with web design.  The screen sizes of mobile devices and the functions available on smartphones have to be taken into consideration when a website is created.

 Many users of mobile devices (80%) decide in milliseconds to read further or stop reading

Research has shown that on average, it takes only 0.05 seconds (50 milliseconds) for more than 80% of mobile device users to decide whether what they see on the screen is enough to stay longer and read further. Thus, the first impression must be good and must appear very fast on the screen.

Web design aspects why visitors only visit a website once and then not again

If a website does not immediately capture the interest of the visitor, the person usually will not come back to the website. Reasons given by website visitors using mobile devices why they will not go back to a website, include the following: (The percentage of visitors in the research group who’ve indicated the specific reason is in brackets.)

  1. Slow loading (88.5%)
  2. Usually, a non-responsive website will not be visited again. (73.1%)
  3. A website with bad navigation will be avoided. (61.5%)
  4. An outdated design indicates in many instances to the visitor that the information on the site might also be outdated. (38.5%)
  5. It is difficult to follow a poor content structure and, therefore, such a site is not used again. (36.4%)

Other important aspects and trends to keep in mind with website design

The following might be good guidelines when discussing the design and content of a website:

  • If the company’s contact information is not on the website 44% of users will stop using the site.
  • If the website is poorly designed, 57% of online users won’t recommend the business.
  • As people are mostly visually dependent, 38% of people will stop engaging with an unattractive website.
  • 70% of website visitors read through content with bullet points.
  • According to research, 69% of website content is never looked at by visitors. Therefore, it is better to just show the best bits of a business on the website.
  • Websites with active blogs have 434% more indexed pages than sites without blogs.


The more a web design is aligned with the outcomes of the research regarding the trends in the online marketing field, the more visitors (potential clients) will actually look at and read the website.