Mistakes are a part of life; and a crucial part at that. In order to succeed, one must make mistakes, learn from them, never repeat them again, and make better choices moving forward. Nevertheless, there are instances, as in the case of SEO, when someone else has made the mistakes for you. Here are the top 10 SEO mistakes when creating a new site. Now, you don’t have to make them yourself to learn from them.

Top 10 SEO Mistakes when Creating a New Site

  1. Putting off search engine optimisation.

Thinking that SEO “can wait” is a classic mistake some people make. You should be developing an optimisation strategy whilst developing your website will save you a lot of time and trouble because it would help prevent having to redo the whole project to make it SEO-friendly.

  1. Not optimising for the Right Keywords.

There are many types of keywords. You must focus on a specific keywords; ones that don’t only bring you the most traffic but ones that bring you as many quality visitors as you can. Try to find and use the right and specific long-tail keywords that would start bringing in users that are actually interested in your offerings.

  1. Using the wrong meta description and title tags.

Every page in your website must have a unique title. It’s not only important for SEO reasons but also for perception management reasons. Say someone tweets the links to your site pages; wouldn’t it look more professional if they have descriptive, unique titles? Meta descriptions also need to be unique and persuasive to encourage users to engage with your site.

  1. Using low-quality content.

Content is everything. Without high-quality, well-written, informative, and interesting content; your site will not make a good impression on visitors. Users will lose trust on your site and your products. This will lead to negative user experience and Google SEO optimisation clearly values user experience in ranking.

  1. Having other content issues.

Besides using poorly written content, other content issues you need to watch out for includes: thin content, duplicate content, article spinning, outdated content, and many others. Remember that content is key. Users visit websites that offer them unique, high-quality content that satisfies their queries.

  1. Linking to broken pages.

Broken pages are a scourge. Broken pages are pages that don’t exist. The link that leads to broken pages must be fixed but they are easy to miss. That’s why you need professional and expert SEO optimisation services to make sure links are fixed.

  1. Ignoring existing organic traffic.

You must know, understand, and monitor the keywords you are ranking for, so you can maximise their impact. You can do this by using Google Analytics or by hiring an Australian SEO company to monitor your rank performance.

  1. Ignoring user search content.

Once your site is up and running and you do your first audit, check the user intent. This will give you an idea of the kind of content users expect when they search for a certain keyword. This will help you optimise your content and improve your ranking.

  1. Ignoring local SEO.

You must optimise your site for local search. Region-specific keywords inserted in page titles as well as meta descriptions will help. Additionally, adding addresses and other contact details will help your site show up on local results. Make sure you appear on Google Business, FourSquare, Yelp, etc.

  1. Being ugly.

Aesthetics are very important in SEO. Many CSS and design galleries will link to your website just because of its high-quality design. Your site can also be featured in design blogs. These will build up your domain’s authority.

SEO optimisation is a crucial component of your online strategy. It is also very delicate. There are a million different things that you could be doing wrong that you’re not even aware of. This list of the top 10 SEO mistakes when creating a new site will help you catch the mistakes and correct them before you do irreparable damage to your site.