The Power of Local SEO in Blue Mountains
Local SEO agency should mean local SEO experts, a belief that we communicate to every Blue Mountains business we work with. Local is everywhere: almost half of all Google searches contain geographical modifiers, whilst 80% of local mobile searches lead to an offline purchase within 24 hours.
Our SEO strategies are designed and delivered in Australia and tech is our passion. We’re always up to date on how local people are searching and the best techniques for SEO success.
- What is Local SEO?
Local SEO is all about appearing at the top of search results that feature location modifiers, such as “Blue Mountains Restaurant Bar.” As almost half of all searches feature these modifiers, investing in local SEO can really boost your website traffic and subsequent business.
Local SEO campaigns aim to make your business more visible within a certain geographical area, relying on a lot of the same tools and practices as general SEO, but with a few crucial distinctions. If you’ve got a business in the Blue Mountains area, such as a café, restaurant or store, you can get ahead of the competition with professional SEO techniques.
- Will SEO work for my Business?
If you’ve got clear goals and realistic expectations, SEO services will definitely bring positive results to your business, whether you’re in the Blue Mountains or the heart of Sydney. Don’t believe companies who says SEO can be done in a day. The reality is that the process takes a great deal of time and investment.
If you want SEO to work for your business, it’s important to choose your digital marketing partner wisely or else you’ll be left disappointed by false promises. SEO is a long-term investment that will absolutely work for your business if you give it the time to blossom.
- How much does our SEO cost?
We believe that transparency is key. Our SEO and Digital Marketing services start from just $490 AUD monthly. When pricing out a project, we can provide you with a couple of price guides and then work our way towards the figures that you’re comfortable with. We’re trusted by businesses nationwide, but we’re well aware there are other places to go for SEO services.
If you’re thinking about working with the cheapest SEO provider in the Blue Mountains, just be aware that you may be inviting the worst for your business. Budget SEO companies employ “black hat” tactics designed only to give you a quick boost in the short-term. In the long run, your site and business can run into big problems.
- What is Black Hat SEO?
Black hat SEO is a term for the various SEO tactics that goes against the rules of search engines. They are designed to manipulative the algorithm as means to jump up in the rankings illegitimately. The most prominent examples include keyword stuffing, link buying and article spinning.
While these shady tactics may provide a temporary boost, they are detrimental to your site in the long run. Google penalties can dramatically drop site rankings, or worse wipe it off the search results entirely. We’re a trusted SEO company, so we play ensure your site plays by the rule s and gets well rewarded for it!
- Do Small Businesses need SEO?
While larger enterprises have the budget for truly top-tier SEO work, small businesses can still see great results relative to their investment. Smart SEO is all about precise targeting and specialisation so that you can compete with larger names with greater ad budgets.
A whopping 97% of users learn more about a local small business from online searches than anywhere else, so it really is crucial for small businesses to set-up an effective SEO strategy. When customers are able to find you first, especially those actively searching for your particular offering, you can quickly scale up your operation so that your business won’t stay small for long.
- Can I do SEO myself?
There are so many tutorials, guides and forums out there; if you dedicate the time and energy it requires, you can absolutely do SEO yourself! While it’s easy enough to manage something basic with a CMS and Google Analytics, you may find technical SEO to be considerably more challenging.
But if you’re determined to do SEO on your own, don’t let the digital marketing agencies stop you! If you invest the necessary time and energy, you can get your bearings. We rose to the top SEO companies in Sydney because we’re only interested in your success, so If you do need help realizing your dream SEO strategy, get in touch with Shtudio.
The Blue Mountains SEO Company for You
We don’t think you can call yourself an SEO company without putting the work in. We take a practical approach, offering real services that have measurable results.
We’ll start with a keyword and competitor analysis, internal/external audit, detailed report and implementation strategy. Ongoing support helps you to keep beating competitors and growing revenue with skyrocketing sales. It’s what we do on the daily for businesses in Blues Mountains and all across Australia.