What is Direct Registrations?
Simply put, it’s the shorter, simpler cousin of the .com.au / .net.au / .org.au URL, where the new option for Australian Internet users is soon going to be a direct .AU domain name. To be exact, this is launching from 24 March 2022 and we find that a lot of Australians still do not know enough about it.
Why is this important?
We’ll try and explain it in the simplest way possible.
Say you have a domain name called fruitbox.com.au
And say there is someone else, possibly your competitor, who has the domain name fruitbox.net.au
You both, depending on the eligibility criteria, have a chance at getting the fruitbox.au domain name. Unless you submit your interest by due date, you will miss out. Someone else, a competitor or a newcomer, may grab it before you do. Stay informed, stay up to date. This is why we are here.
Who can register and how?
To be eligible for a .au direct name you must have a verifiable Australian presence, which includes being a citizen or permanent resident, or being an organisation registered in Australia.
You’ll be able to register .au direct domain names through participating auDA accredited registrars. Prices vary depending on where you buy it, so feel free to chat to us and we’ll point you in the right direction.
There will be no changes to domain names in the existing namespaces (com.au, net.au, id.au, org.au, asn.au, edu.au and gov.au etc.) as a result of .au direct names being launched. They will continue to exist and you’ll still be able to use, register and renew them as you do now.
When .au direct names launch, for the first six months a Priority Allocation Process will be in place that will enable you:
- An opportunity to apply for the exact match of your existing .au domain names
- To register ‘new’ .au direct names that don’t exist in any other .au namespace (e.g. com.au, net.au)
From 24 March 2022, you’ll be able to register new .au direct names.
These are names that are available to the public on a first come, first served basis as they are not already registered in any other .au namespace e.g. com.au, or org.au.
IMPORTANT: If you already hold a .au name in another namespace e.g. com.au, org.au. etc. you will have six months from 24 March until 20 September 2022 to apply for its exact .au direct match. The six-month period is known as the Priority Application Period.
Still confused?
We don’t blame you if you are. The allocation process isn’t that clear (took a number of webinar sessions to explain it) and as a business owner, let’s be honest, you have other things to think about.
If you have some time on your hands, you can read more on the official AUda website here and here.
If you don’t have time to read all of that, you can call us directly, quickest point of contact would be 0411 139 439. We’ll be happy to have a quick chat about it and just explain what your options are and what you need to do. The last thing you want is for someone to grab a domain name that should belong to you, and that could in the long run turn into a large loss for your business.
Your domain name is your brand, don’t miss out on it.