Sydney online marketplace startup, connecting those in need with their care providers.

Careseekers is a digital platform that links individuals and families to care and support workers. Promoting choice and control over care and support, and work opportunities for care and support workers.


  • Landing page redesign
  • UX redesign
  • UI redesign

Old to New

Taking into consideration the best UX practices for a landing page, we’ve redesigned the old page with a fresh new look and CTA sections.

Old version

Two brand new landing page design versions for different markets

Just to redesign is not enough

We’ve taken great care to update the pages, while emphasising the brand. By using the colours of the logo and playing with it’s shape, we’ve designed a landing page that is fresh, clear and visually appealing.

Shtudio only worked on the design aspect of the project, development was done in-house. In order to provide the developers with a clearer understanding how various elements of the landing page should work, we’ve put together a UI kit.

Icon redesign

Icons were restyled together with some of the steps that were on the original website design.

Focused on each section of the page

No pixel was left untouched. We redesigned every element of the landing pages, adding some special touches in places like a scrolling bar with the logo.

Design for mobile

Cleaned up the contact forms. To take the guesswork out of things, we’ve also provided the developers with visuals how some elements of the website should work on mobile.

Careseekers is a digital platform that links individuals and families to care and support workers. Promoting choice and control over care and support, and work opportunities for care and support workers.

ClientCareseekersServicesWebsite Design, UX Design, UI DesignYear2019Link