— Thank you to the UTS crew
This fantastic promo video for the logo and event was done by these guys:
Some stationary and promo material, Promotional stands, that never really got made and the website that was designed by Dane. Just some of the things that were quickly thrown together
Photos from the actual event
Event has been running annually from 2012. Here are some of the initial reports.
First, we studied the map.
Then — we let it go “free”.
The presentation day to a variety of people from Sydney City Council, Chippendale Creative Precinct and others from art galleries, marketing and design firms.
The objective here was to design a brand for Beams, a five hour arts festival in the newest hipiest part of Chippendale. The team consisted of students, experts, a professor and an art director, working together as a part of UTS. Shtudio was not directly involved in the project, of the Shtudio’s designers’ was on the UTS team.
BEAMS Arts Festival Chippendale. One bright night.
ClientChippendale Creative PrecinctServicesLogo design, corporate identityYear2013Linkbeamsfestival.com.auDesignCatarina Araújo; Tanja Binggeli; Lucy Klippan; Alex VlassovProject managementLawrence Wallen (head of school, design); Ian Thomson (art director)